The Mind Master's Memo

Episode 1: A New Dawn

Hey there Mind Master,

Welcome the the very first edition of The Mind Master’s Memo, where it’ll be a little rough and different each time, but soon to find stability… as is much of life.

The very fact that you’re here reading this is a testament to your interest in doing something bigger than yourself.

You likely know that you’re being called for a specific purpose, yet it requires you to have internal growth before you can experience external growth.

So just like many, you are on the quest not for improvement, but to totally transform into the person that you need to be in order to achieve your calling.

So let me tell you this:

  • Your first iteration at anything you do will usually suck.

  • Your 500th you’ll actually be pretty good.

  • Your 1000th you’ll be a professional.

  • And, by 100,000, you’re the top 1%.

What I’m getting at is that you might not be great at certain things at the moment, and because of that you may harbor negative thoughts or feelings or stories around that.

Just know that this is inherently normal, and that the only way through this is to build enough evidence that counters all of that.

There are three critical components to transforming your entire life:

  • Beliefs

  • Character Traits

  • Skills

You will be going on a journey over the course of this newsletter. We’ll cover everything between psychological resilience (one’s ability to withstand adversity), the mind-body connection, techniques and methods towards self-actualization, and much more.

I’m ecstatic to have you here today. Please enjoy!

Habits → Good or Bad?

Are your daily habits enhancing your mental health or undermining it?

Let’s explore:

  • Technology Use: There’s a very fine line when it comes to the right amount of screen time. It turns out that small to moderate amounts can actually improve one’s ability for multi-tasking and attention to detail. However, it’s obvious that excessive amounts of screen time can lead to dependency and isolation.

  • Exercise: Exercise is so important for our health. But what about over-doing it? It turns out that endurance sports like fighting can become an obsession where the athletes actually take it too far! Are you over active? Under active? Just right?

  • Martial Arts: On the flip side, some martial arts can be perceived as a form of mindfulness and discipline training, providing a more holistic approach to mental wellness.

Reflect on your habits today. Are they helping or hindering your well-being?

Navigating Emotions with Mindfulness: Simple Breathing Exercise

Enhance your emotional well-being with this simple, yet powerful mindfulness exercise.

Here's how you can start:

  • First, Find a Quiet Spot: Choose a calm environment where you won’t be disturbed.

  • Set a Timer: Begin with five minutes, and you can increase the duration as you get more comfortable.

  • Focus on Counting Your Breath: Close your eyes, take a deep breath in, hold for a moment, and exhale slowly. Concentrate on the sensation of the air moving in and out of your body. As you advance start counting your breaths thinking “in one, out one… in two, out two…”.

  • Acknowledge Your Thoughts: When your mind wanders, gently acknowledge whatever comes up and then return your focus to your breath. This is totally normal and you’ll get exponentially better with consistency. Which leads to…

  • Practice Regularly: Aim to practice this exercise daily, gradually building mindfulness into your routine.

Doing this for a few minutes before a meeting, before the day altogether, and before journaling have been seriously profound and had positive applications for me.

Embrace this practice to navigate your emotions more effectively and bring mindfulness into your everyday life more often.

Thank you for making it this far. I hope that you quickly get to the point of looking forward to these email newsletters, if you haven’t already.

In the coming weeks this newsletter may change format, but the purpose will forever remain the same. My life’s purpose is to improve the quality of the lives of those around me, in a long-lasting and positive way.

And furthermore, my mission with MindMastery is to make mental health information affordable and accessible to the world. I’m sure you or someone you know can’t afford the help that would change their life. We’re going to change that.

So stay tuned, as the next few editions will have brief snapshots of the origin story of MindMastery, and how we got to the current moment.

See you same time, same place, next week!